V petek, 17. novembra, nas je obiskal predstavnik ameriškega veleposlaništva g. Daniel Mayeda (Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army , Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché)
in dijakom v okviru izbirnega ITS pripravil krajše predavanje, ki mu je sledil sproščen pogovor o številnih vidikih ameriškega življenja.V čast nam je, da smo bili prva šola, ki jo je gospod obiskal. Takšni dogodki nedvomno popestrijo in obogatijo pouk. Objavljamo tudi zahvalo, ki smo jo prejeli z veleposlaništva.
We are so happy to hear that the students enjoyed Lt. Col. Mayeda’s visit – he was thrilled with the visit as well and also told me he would love to visit again!
I would also like to thank you for the lovely gift bag containing so many delicious and useful things. The note from you and your students was so thoughtful. We are always happy to connect with such good people and to share not only our language but also some aspects of our culture.